As many of you know from Facebook, I have picked up jogging as a new habit. I am still far from considering myself as anywhere close to being a runner, but I am slowly but surely beginning to jog more often and longer then I have in my entire life.
So let's start from the beginning. I remember as a kid being told that I was built for long distance running. Of course at the time and pretty well all my life, I have ignored that and said "No way could I ever be a runner." However about a year ago, I decided to give running a try in order to try to lose the 30 pounds that I gained after Andrew & I got married plus some more to get back to where I was in high school. It started very small, walk 5 minutes then jog 30 seconds. After a while I just gave up as I normally do because I didn't have the time nor the energy.
I picked it back up for a while in the fall but lost interest again. Typical and sad reality of it. This last spring though, Drew and I decided to come in early in the mornings to work out sporadically. By sporadically I mean we would have a good week then take like 3 or 4 off then have a good week or 2. You get the pattern. However one day in April after Drew left for class, I decided that I WANTED to jog for a bit just to see how I could do. I ended up jogging 12 laps on the indoor track (a little over 1 mile). I was amazed with how good I felt afterward. However, Drew was graduating and again I got out of the habit of working out and jogging.
It wasn't until the end of June beginning July that I started jogging again, but I couldn't get back to that mile. It was like I was hitting a brick wall with what I felt I was capable of doing. It wasn't until I started praying about it that I was able to hit my mile again. Since then the Lord has shed the preconceived ideas that I had that I could never become that long distance runner that I was told I could be. He has helped me push against that brick wall that was the barrier in my jogging. I have come to see that it is not by my strength that I am capable of the jogging that we have been doing.
God has pushed my limits and shown me that I can be more than I ever thought I could in something as simple as exercise. I can't wait to He shows me what I can be in regards to the limits and small goals I have placed on something as large as life! He has already given me the most amazing life partner than I could ever dream of how much more could He bless us? I do know though that He has great plans for us despite my fears and seeing us running into brick walls with regards to many things in life, but I know from experience that he can move those obstacles out of the way and push us past the finite into the infinite experiences that only come with being in His will!
Thank you Lord for being our strength as a couple and as individuals!
Oh Heidi, this is so encouraging to me. wow!! God, you are truly a God of wonder and love!!